Roll-off dumpster rentals are perfect for a home remodel, a restaurant renovation or general construction purposes, but keep in mind that many household items can be recycled! While it may be easy to toss it in your dumpster, take a few extra minutes to see what could be recycled instead.

If you’re cleaning out your house, plastic bottles and children’s toys can be recycled! If it’s time to de-junk, plastic bins and shelving units are perfect for recycling centers.

Cardboards are recyclable; even boxes that hold packaged foods like cereal.

In the middle of a renovation or remodeling project? Plywood, chairs, tables and wood beams can be recycled! You’ll need to remove them of nails, screws, hardware and metal, but contact your local recycling company to find out where to take your unused wood.

Bottles, vases, plates, cups, bowls, etc. Glass is easy to identify and is recyclable!

Knowing what items can be recycled could reduce the size dumpster you need to rent. Save money on your dumpster rental and be kind to the environment at the same time!

Nix Tank Company provides unmatched customer service for roll-off dumpster rental and other waste management services in Gainesville, GA. For more information or to request a free quote, contact Nix Tank today!